Your help is crucial to our success.
In A World With Books is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, staffed entirely by volunteers. We are committed to putting your tax-deductible donation to work right away to provide free books for underprivileged and disadvantaged children
Donate online
Make a gift by mail
In A World With Books
2658 Griffith Park Boulevard, #819
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Have a party
Dedicate your birthday, wedding, or other celebration to providing books for at-risk children. Ask friends and family to make a donation in your honor to In A World With Books at Be sure to let us know by email!

Do you have a question? Would you like to volunteer? Are you a school in the area we serve who would like their students to receive books?
Please send us a message and we’ll get back to you ASAP.